Poultry Hub is an Australian website. The laws of the State of New South Wales and the applicable laws of Australia govern our site. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that viewing or using the information on our site is not prohibited under the laws of your country.
Although Poultry Hub covers ‘all things poultry’, information found on our site may be wrong, deficient or out-of-date. Poultry Hub, therefore, cannot provide any guarantee that information on our site is accurate, complete or up-to-date.
Poultry Hub provides information free of charge on the understanding that no agreement or contract is formed which would enable you or anyone else who claims through you to make a claim against us or anyone else who may be connected with our site. As no agreement or contract is formed regarding the information Poultry Hub provides, we impose no terms and conditions on your use of it. However, if you do reproduce information from our site, we request that you:
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No information on Poultry Hub constitutes professional advice whether or not related to poultry. For advice including, but not limited to veterinary, nutritional or welfare issues for your poultry, please see a qualified, licensed professional. Poultry Hub does not recommend or sponsor any professionals or professional service firms.
PoultryHub Australia
CJ Hawkins Homestead, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351
The Poultry Hub Australia profoundly acknowledges and respects that its foundations, both people and facilities, are established on land rich in the history and traditions of the world’s oldest living culture. PHA values and respects Indigenous knowledge, understanding its importance in our shared history. We acknowledge the strength, resilience, and contributions of the Aboriginal community, we pay our tributes to the Aboriginal Elders – those who guided us in the past, those who lead us today, and those who will enlighten our paths in the future.