New DVD offers step-by-step guide to flock inspection and chicken post-mortem

A new DVD, produced by the Poultry CRC, offering a step-by-step guide to conducting an on-farm flock inspection, followed by bird selection and detailed post-mortem of a chicken, is finished and ready for distribution.

The 20-minute DVD can be used as a learning aid to help veterinary and animal science students and poultry professionals to identify normal flock environments and healthy chicken anatomy.

In the DVD, veterinarian Dr Peter Scott shows how to perform an on-farm inspection, followed by selection of birds. He then performs a step-by-step post-mortem, identifying important parts of a bird, specifically showing what is normal.

According to Poultry CRC Education Manager, Liz Roan, by being able to recognise what a normal bird looks like, people will be able to identify when a bird shows a departure from normality.

“Although the DVD doesn’t replace an avian veterinarian,” said Liz, “it does provide people with a useful guide to identifying clinical signs where something is abnormal and gives them a means of describing it more accurately to their vet. Basically, it gives people a clue about what to look for.”

“Free copies will be sent to CRC partners, and we are negotiating with a distributor so others can purchase copies.”

Contact Yelli Kruger at the Australian Egg Corporation Limited for more information or to order a copy.

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