Relevance to Poultry Industry

Relevance to Poultry Industry

By Tori Connor and Georgia Leske

  • Being able to keep chooks at school opens opportunities for a future career in the poultry industry
  • Working with poultry gives us an inside look of animal husbandry of the show chooks
  • We need the show chooks to preserve the breeds to help genetic progress
  • Working with the show chooks helps us to generate an interest in poultry. It also helps gain an appreciation for chicken meat and eggs as future consumers
  • Skills that can be learned (benefits) from working with the Show Poultry General husbandry (cleaning, feeding, handling etc.)
  • Teamwork Confidence in working with and caring for animals
  • People show chooks for: Promotion of breeds and personal enjoyment. They don’t do it for the prize money as the general cost of keeping the chooks and entries to the shows outweighs the money you get
  • It is good for educating children in school


Skills that can be learned (benefits) from working with the Show Poultry

  • General husbandry (cleaning, feeding, handling etc.)
  • Teamwork
  • Confidence in working with and caring for animals


People show chooks for:

  • Promotion of breeds and personal enjoyment
  • They don’t do it for the prize money as the general cost of keeping the chooks and entries to the shows outweighs the money you get
  • It is good for educating children in school

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