Show Entries and Classes

A chook ready for show

Show Entries and Classes. For Both Country and Royal Shows

By Amy Webb and Kendal Scobie

Poultry shows and auctions are held regularly throughout the year at various city or country locations.

There are 2 main opportunities to show poultry and these are:

  1. Poultry Clubs &
  2. The Agricultural Society Shows.

The difference is as follows:

Poultry Club Shows are run by a poultry club. They are held on showgrounds & feature poultry only. Trophies or prize money is raised from the entry fees that must accompany the entry forms.

Agricultural Shows are generally held in autumn or spring with the poultry section being only part of a range of classes provided for sheep, cattle, horses and farm animals.

  • To enter in to a show you must hand in the entry forms to the society secretary by the due date on the schedule.
  • To complete the form, look up the class number for your breed and pen number and record it on the appropriate entry form.
  • If you have trouble filling out the form the Poultry convener is always a helpful person to speak with or another poultry breeder.

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