Agricultural, Animal and Vet Sciences Careers Expo 2019

Recently Poultry Hub Australia representatives Angela Scott and Kapil Chousalkar attended the inaugural Agricultural, Animal and Vet Sciences Careers Expo held at Urrbrae High School in Adelaide, SA as an exhibitor.  

Over 400 people, including students, parents, teachers and careers advisers from rural schools, attended the event. Feedback suggests that attendees were incredibly impressed with the 28 different providers and how they showcased the diversity of tertiary, industry and trade careers and job opportunities available in South Australia. 

Peter Oswald from Urrbrae said the school was ABSOLUTELY STOKED with the outcome! They reported that feedback from students has been outstanding, with one even saying “it was the best thing she has done in agriculture since she started at Urrbrae” another said “I am now so excited to start my career and I think I may even have a job to go to”!!  

Feedback from parents was also very positive, one emailing:  

I thought it was definitely the best Careers Expo that I have been to. It was great to go to an expo where everyone wanted to be there and had a specific interest in the same area.  The stall holders were really interactive with the students, being interested in what they were thinking to do in the future, guiding them, and explaining what pathways they took to get to where they are now.  The panel session was very interesting and you did a great job of asking useful and relevant questions to panellists so that we got further insights into this sector. It was also great for students to be offered so many work experience opportunities’.

Poultry Hub Australia is committed to attending events such as these to ensure young people are aware of our industry and the many different job opportunities available. We would like to thank both Angela and Kapil for representing us at this great initiative.

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