Brahma, Male Clipped


The Brahma originates from Asia and is a large and versatile bird. They are easily broody, are placid and tolerate the cold very well. Brahmas are calm, friendly birds that make good pets or exhibition fowl. Males are calm and generally not aggressive towards humans. They are not skittish or easily scared, which makes them a popular choice for families with children. Due to their docile demeanour, Brahmas can be easily trained so that they can be handled by almost anyone. They should be hand trained when young because their large size makes them difficult to control in the early stages of training if they are full grown.


Soft feather-heavy


Black, white, buff, dark and light. Feathered legs and feet.


Cock 4.6 – 5.5 Kg
Hen 3.2 – 4.1 Kg

Bantam Variety Brahma

Rooster 1.8 Kg
Hen 0.910 Kg

Brahma, Clipped Female

Egg Colour


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