Leghorn chickens remain perhaps one of the most popular chicken breeds due to their ability to produce approximately 300 – 320 eggs per year. Until recently, this breed was the most important in commercial egg production, with approximately 24 recognised varieties. Due to their prolific egg-laying ability, they are preferred by laboratories for embryonic and avian biological research as well as being the number one breed used for large-scale commercial egg production in the United States. The Leghorn originates from Italy and its cross-bred hereditary provides a rarely broody, mobile and efficient scavenging chicken. However, due to their nature, Leghorns do not necessarily make great pets.
Leghorns are noisy birds, somewhat smaller than other breeds although they are larger than the bantam.
Soft feather – light
There are about 13 colours, ranging from black to blue, brown buff, white to mottled.
Cock | 2.8 – 3.4 Kg |
Hen | 2.0 – 2.5 Kg |
Cockerel | 2.2 Kg |
Pullet | 1.8 Kg |
Bantam Variety Leghorn
Rooster | 1.1 Kg |
Hen | 0.9 Kg |
PoultryHub Australia
CJ Hawkins Homestead, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351
The Poultry Hub Australia profoundly acknowledges and respects that its foundations, both people and facilities, are established on land rich in the history and traditions of the world’s oldest living culture. PHA values and respects Indigenous knowledge, understanding its importance in our shared history. We acknowledge the strength, resilience, and contributions of the Aboriginal community, we pay our tributes to the Aboriginal Elders – those who guided us in the past, those who lead us today, and those who will enlighten our paths in the future.