Rhode Island chickens are a very popular dual-purpose poultry breed. The red variety is capable of producing 200- 250 large eggs annually, however the cock is very aggressive. This must be taken into account before choosing this particular breed as a pet or mixing it with other varieties. The Rhode Island has yellow shanks and performs well under most conditions and rarely goes broody.
Soft feather – heavy
Various shades of red with some black. There is also a white-feathered Rhode Island (white is however very rare).
Cock | 3.9 Kg |
Hen | 3.0 Kg |
Cockerel | 3.4 Kg |
Pullet | 2.5 Kg |
Bantam Variety Rhode Island
Rooster | 790 – 910 g |
Hen | 690 – 790 g |
PoultryHub Australia
CJ Hawkins Homestead, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351
The Poultry Hub Australia profoundly acknowledges and respects that its foundations, both people and facilities, are established on land rich in the history and traditions of the world’s oldest living culture. PHA values and respects Indigenous knowledge, understanding its importance in our shared history. We acknowledge the strength, resilience, and contributions of the Aboriginal community, we pay our tributes to the Aboriginal Elders – those who guided us in the past, those who lead us today, and those who will enlighten our paths in the future.