Animal Production Science – Poultry CRC Special Edition

Animal Production Science, Volume 53, Number 12, 2013

Toward the end of last year Poultry CRC was extremely grateful to be able to showcase the research relating to our three program areas (health and welfare, nutrition and environment, and food safety and quality) in a special edition of Animal Production Science. It was a rare chance to demonstrate the breadth and depth of our research work in a single, unified publication.

This special edition of Animal Production Science examined a diverse range of Poultry CRC research, from the impact close human interaction has on reducing avoidance behaviour in caged laying hens, to how quantitative molecular assays may evaluate changes in broiler gut microbiota linked with diet and performance. The papers in this edition showcase our program areas, which are the touchstones of our focus on production from inception to farm gate. We hope that these papers will add to your knowledge base, and that you will keep in touch with us as more of our research projects reach fruition.

Links to full-text pdfs at CSIRO publishing:

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