Another Poultry CRC PhD joins the industry

Jesse Thomas, who has just completed his PhD with help from a Poultry CRC scholarship, is set to commence an internship with one of the CRC’s industry partners, Bioproperties, based at The University of Melbourne’s Veterinary School at Werribee.

Jesse will be joining the scientific team to focus on identifying and implementing the best practice in cryopreservation of Eimeria spp. commercial vaccine and research seeds and to identify vaccine specific markers that can be used to differentiate vaccine strains from their parental strains/wild type strains.

“The Australian poultry industry needs people like Jesse to lead practical R&D in various areas of the industry in the future,” said Poultry CEO, Mingan Choct.

“An incredible amount of high calibre R&D occurs in industry which many potential industry recruits have no idea about and I’m absolutely delighted that both internships offered in conjunction with our industry partners have been enthusiastically taken by our young scientists,” said Mingan.

Jesse told us that without the Poultry CRC’s Poultry Grad Program, which nurtures our interest in industry related matters, he wouldn’t have even thought about doing an industry internship, and might never have been exposed to the workings of the industry and such a fantastic career opportunity.

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