Education & Training Update – August 2008

Murrumbidgee College Poultry Training Manuals

The Poultry CRC has undertaken the task of revising the Murrumbidgee College Poultry Training manuals. The integration of Dr. Tom Grimes’ review comments into the Commercial Layer Management Health and Welfare and the Commercial Meat Chicken Management Health and Welfare training manuals has now been completed and the revised files sent back to Dr. Grimes for checking. The final format of the files and the extent to which photographs are included remains to be decided. Dr. Irene Gorman has been revising the Commercial Layer Management manual, with input from industry personnel Mr. Rowly Horn and Mr. Geof Runge. Some sections of this manual will be circulated shortly to egg industry members for comment.

Other VET Sector Training Activities

Modifications are being made to the Occupational Health and Safety training materials which were developed as part of the Queensland FarmBis Project to make them suitable for delivery by a range of trainers, including industry-based trainers. Another initiative which is under development is a learning resource for induction of new employees in the poultry industry. We are also continuing to have input into the revision of the Rural Production Training Package and are seeking input from representatives of chicken meat processing companies into the revision of the Food Processing Industry Training Package which is also under review.

With best wishes,


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