National Guide – Poultry for Show and Sale

National Guide – Poultry for Show and Sale

Animal Health Australia has produced a national guide for the handling, transportation and biosecurity of poultry for show and sale. The guide has been produced to educate the general public in the handling and transportation of birds and to advise people of their legal obligations in relation to the welfare of the birds in their possession.

It had been observed that many members of the public were transporting and handling their birds to and from sales, in an uncompassionate, disrespectful and arguably illegal manner. When questioned, these people appeared to be unaware of the correct and compassionate way to care for their birds. There was also no clear and easily accessible information available to educate the public, to ensure that people not only understood the welfare regulations but also understood the needs of the birds.

Animals’ Angels, a major contributor to the booklet, said that they “would like to raise the level of understanding by the public. Compliance with the minimum standards is mandatory and in addition,  we believe it is important for good welfare that the birds’ inherent value” is also recognised.

This guide was produced via a wide collaboration between industry, veterinarians, agricultural agencies and animal welfare groups.

For more information on where to access information on the welfare regulations in your State, please see page 42 guide.

To download the guide, please click below.

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