New Poultry CRC ramps up education and training

Poultry CRC Program Manager and Education Coordinator, Dr Tim Walker, is drawing on all his industry experience as the CRC’s research and education programs gain momentum. Tim spent a large part of his career as a commercial nutritionist undertaking feed formulation, R&D and ingredient purchasing activities with several animal feed and integrated poultry companies. This knowledge and experience in the commercial sector is helping the CRC shape its end-user focussed programs in research, education and training.

Nineteen Sub-Projects commenced on July 1st, four in Tim’s Program, and scholarship applications are also coming in as the research team leaders dip into the pool of talented young scientists in participating universities.

The first CRC benefited enormously from the knowledge and experience of Tim’s predecessor, Associate Professor Julie Roberts from the University of New England. Julie was instrumental in getting the CRC’s VET strategy off the ground, working tirelessly with both industry and governments to ensure the poultry industry’s needs are high on the list in terms of VET sector training packages and their relevance to the modern poultry farm or processing plant.

Tim now has the support of Armidale local, Liz Roan, who joined the CRC on July 19 in her new role as Education Officer, tasked with driving the CRC’s VET strategy.

In the Schools sector, the CRC’s Teacher’s Resource Kit initiative has now seen over 200 kits sent to schools around Australia, as well as some to our neighbours in New Zealand and Fiji. Feedback has been extremely positive.

“I think the kit is brilliant and can’t wait to use it,” said one teacher. “My father trained as a chicken sexer many years ago and is a former primary school principal. He also thought the kit was wonderful… I’ve learnt so much myself and my nine-year-old old has spent a few hours reading and looking through everything as well. Her interest in the kit is a very good gauge as to how the other students will receive it… It really is an incredible resource and I’m just so excited by it… Thank you so much.”

Another teacher heard about the kit at the Primary Industries Education Foundation Conference in Canberra earlier this year. “One of the best resources for Ag education that I have seen. Congratulations to the developers and please let other CRC’s know that this is the type and quality of resource that Ag teachers are looking for.”

**NOTE: As of July 2011 Liz Roan has taken on the role of Education Manager for Poultry CRC activities. Dr Tim Walker is no longer Education Coordinator but remains Program (2) Manager – Nutrition & Environment

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