Photo Competition 2011 – $1000 in prizemoney


In the interest of sparking your creative and artistic side, and as a cheeky way of gathering images for our ever-growing database, the Poultry CRC has decided to run another photo competition. The theme of this competition is Nutrition and Environment, so in addition to images of poultry of all types, shapes and sizes, we are looking for images relating to this theme. These may include air, water and litter quality, waste removal and sludge, composting, feed components / grains… etc.

So, if you’re involved in the CRC’s research, education activities, a breeder, a fancier or just keen on poultry, grab your digital camera and start snapping. Even if you have a photo (taken by you) lying around on your hard drive that fits the bill, send it in.

The best picture, as judged by our panel of experts, will get $600 IN CASH.

Second prize receives $250 and third prize $150.

Entries will be accepted up until C.O.B. Wednesday 31st August 2011 (note: this has been extended for one month from the original close date of 29th July 2011). Prize winners will be notified and announced on Monday 12th September 2011.

Photos received by the Poultry CRC may be used for promotional purposes, including our web site, brochures, newsletters and other publications.

To enter simply fill out the entry form (removed) below and send it in to us along with your images.

Any questions, call Mick Warner on (02) 6773 3767, 0457 733 450 or email

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