PIX Young Industry Delegates  Program

This post is for the 2020 PIX conference, to apply for the 2024 program please click here.

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Poultry Hub Australia is excited to announce the PIX Young Industry Delegates Program!

As a Young Industry Delegate, you will be able to immerse yourself in all that PIX has to offer. The program includes all conference and workshop registrations, travel, accommodation, and social function expenses. As well as coordinated networking opportunities and introduction to the PIX Committee.

If you would like to be a PIX Young Industry Delegate you must:

  • Be an Australian, New Zealand or Pacific Island resident.
  • Hold a current position in broiler or layer production, poultry research or poultry technical services.
  • Be 35 years or under
  • Provide a letter of support from your manager/supervisor
  • Provide a brief resume and explanation of how attendance at PIX will provide benefit through personal development or directly in your current role.
  • Submit a short summary of the overall experience within 4 weeks of the event.

PIX Young Industry Delegates Program now taking applications!
Applications close 1st March 2020.

For more information contact poultryhub@une.edu.au

To apply click here

PIX|AMC Conference Information

PIX/AMC will be held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre from Sunday, 17 to Tuesday, 19 May 2020.

The conference theme, ‘Beyond 2020 – Feeding the Future‘ will provide a comprehensive program with the latest in innovation and information, featuring knowledgeable industry experts from both Australia and overseas. The program will be streamed into chicken meat, egg production, free range and organic farming, flour milling and feed milling for all livestock species, including beef, dairy, pigs and others. There will be topics of interest for each and every delegate. Workshops on numerous special interest areas encompassing all aspects of the poultry industry will also be on offer. For the more technically-minded, the Australasian Veterinary Poultry Association (AVPA) will again be holding a scientific meeting after the conference.

For more information please visit the PIX/AMC 2020 website

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