Poultry CRC postgrad finds a place in the pecking order

As one of the very first students to get support from the Poultry CRC, Nick Rodgers is now one of the first to secure an industry-related role.

Now based in Melbourne, Nick started as a Technical Support Manager with Alltech Biotechnology, a supporting participant of the Poultry CRC, in October.

Part of Nick’s role includes working with Australian Government agencies (APVMA and AQIS), enabling product registration and supply into Australia from overseas manufacturing sites.

“I also provide technical product information to Alltech’s sales team and I’m starting in sales which will involve quite a bit of travel and training both here in Australia and overseas,” says Nick.

Nick is currently in the final stages of completing his PhD in broiler nutrition, having done his Bachelor of Rural Science (Hons) at the University of New England in Armidale.

Jointly funded by RIRDC and the Poultry CRC, Nick’s PhD project is focussed on the influence of feed particle size on broiler performance, gut health and development.

Alltech supported Nick through a scholarship during his honours year and kept in contact while he worked on his PhD.

“Alltech was looking for someone in the monogastric nutrition area to join their operations,” says Nick.

“Initially, my focus will be on the turkey, layer and other minor poultry industries in Victoria. Like duck and quail, for example.”

“Since starting with Alltech, I’ve learnt a lot about the commercial aspect of the animal nutrition industry.”

“This job is also really developing my people skills and it’s even allowed me to travel to the US, as well as several conferences, dinners and other events such as the Australian Open tennis with some of our valued customers.”

The Poultry CRC is proud that one of its students has found a place within industry and looks forward to watching his progress in future.

Alltech is a biotechnology company providing natural solutions to the animal feed and human food industries. If you would like to know more about Alltech, visit Alltech

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