Poultry Job Training @ PHA

Poultry Hub Australia is offering a training program to prepare you to go straight into a job on a poultry farm. The sessions will be based at the University of New England, both at the Tamworth and Armidale Campus, coupled with work experience within the poultry industry.

Training is scheduled: 9am – 4pm for 4 days a week for 1 week plus work experience within the poultry industry.


Modules covered and examples of what is involved:

Module 1: Introduction to poultry

This is your opportunity to ask us absolutely anything about the poultry industry, and for us to introduce you to the wonderful world of chooks and the EGGciting range of jobs opportunities available!

Module 2: Bird care and health

In this session you will learn how to check if the chooks under your care are happy and healthy….using a virtual reality chicken! You will also have the opportunity to chat to farmers and learn why poultry is the cheapest most sustainable source of protein in Australia.

Module 3: Biosecurity

Biosecurity is integral to protect the birds against pests and disease. Whilst learning best biosecurity practice you will have the opportunity to build a Lego chicken farm and get dressed up in all the biosecurity gear!

Module 4: Health and safety

We care about you as much as we care about our chooks, so in this session we will be discussing how to keep you safe and healthy whilst working on farm. We also have an online game teaching how egg quality is determined on farms, ensuring we deliver secure food to Australia.

Module 5: Handling birds

You’ll fall completely in love with chickens during this session, where you will get the chance to ‘clicker train’ a laying hen. We will also investigate how much meat birds have changed from their great-great-great-great… grandparents the Red Jungle Fowl.

Module 6: Health checking birds

In this session we will get up close and personal with our feathered friends, by conducting thorough health checks and learning the warning signs for diseases and health conditions. You also learn about what we feed chickens, why and how chook food is produced.

Module 7: Work experience on farm

By now you will be desperate to get onto a chook farm…which is exactly what you’ll be doing! You will spend work experience within the poultry industry so you can experience exactly what it is like to work in the poultry industry.

All these modules will be completely hands-on and there will be no written assessment or writing tasks.

Applicants will receive a formal certificate on completion of the program.

Click HERE to register


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