Poultry Researcher Awarded 2023 ATSE ICM Agrifood Award

Curtin University researcher Dr. Natalie Morgan has won the 2023 Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering (ATSE) ICM Agrifood Award for excellence in Agrifood.

Dr. Morgan’s research has revealed the importance of fibre – a nutrient historically overlooked in poultry diets. Natalie developed a database of accurate fibre values to help poultry nutritionists improve accuracy when formulating feed that boosts birds’ health and productivity.  

Natalie has also investigated prebiotics, carbohydrates that fuel beneficial bacteria in the gut. Fueling these good gut bacteria can enhance nutrient absorption, and Natalie has shown that prebiotics can actually reduce nutrient waste in poultry feed. Her innovative efforts have focused on making and measuring prebiotics – including from human food waste products – and how best to supplement them into poultry diets.

Natalie’s portfolio extends into community engagement. She developed a training program in NSW to help unemployed young people find opportunities in the poultry industry and is a mentor to young women in STEM. 

To access the Poultry Hub Australia Non-Starch Polysaccharide Database follow the link below.

NSPDB Database

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