Poultry Hub Australia’s 2018 Successful Funding Announcement

Poultry Hub Australia’s 2018 Successful Funding Announcement

Poultry Hub Australia has recently signed off the final round of grants that we have awarded this year. We had over 30 research groups who submitted preliminary proposals to be considered by our Industry Committee. Of these 10 were invited to submit full proposals. This year for a project to be considered it was crucial to have a direct industry collaboration and to demonstrate how the project would have impact in the poultry industry in the future.

We have invested over $500,000 in a range of exciting projects. In total we awarded 9 projects to researchers and their industry partners at five different Universities and Institutes; RMIT, University of Melbourne, PIRSA-SARDI, University of New England and The University of Adelaide. We look forward to seeing how their projects progress over the coming months and how their exciting research will impact our fantastic industry. Specific details of the projects, the lead researcher and their associated institutes are detailed below.


Project Name

Project Leader


  • Evaluation of the prebiotic effects of xylo-oligosaccharides
Dr Natalie Morgan University of New England
  • Insects for poultry nutrition in Australia
Dr Isabelle Ruhnke University of New England
  • Response of meat chicken to arginine sources in low protein diets
Professor Robert Swick University of New England
  • Potential non-invasive biomarkers of intestinal inflammation and permeability in broiler chickens
Dr Reza Barekatain PIRSA-SARDI
  • Monitoring of key infectious pathogens using poultry dust for controlling diseases
Dr Priscilla Gerber University of New England
  • Dietary inclusion of DVXPC yeast metabolite to alleviate potential gut dysbosis in a female broiler breeder line and its effects on hen and progeny performance

Dr Rebecca Forder


University of Adelaide
  • Evaluation of the immune-stimulatory effects of plants essential oils using an infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccination – challenge model
Dr Mauricio Coppo University of Melbourne
  • The role of education in attitudes towards hen welfare: a case study of furnished cages
Dr Peta Taylor University of New England
  • Epidemiological investigation of Spotty Liver Disease in chickens to inform disease control
Dr Thi Thu Hao Van RMIT University




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