Rapid diagnostic tests benefit industry

Building on the success of the 28 rapid diagnostic tests transferred to the Australian poultry industry (see project 05-17;  Rapid Tests for Diseases), the Asia Pacific Centre for Animal Health of The University of Melbourne, has continued to refine and improve existing tests, and come up with tests for organisms currently not covered.

Dr Ali Ghorashi is evaluating PCR-HRM curve analysis for detection of specimens containing mixed MG strains. Preliminary results show that detection of mixed specimens by PCR-HRM curve analysis is concentration-dependant with the lowest detectable concentration of mixed strain differing in each test. “It is still early days for our research, but from the results we have obtained to date, the two new genes we have used are superior to the others for differentiation of MG strains or isolates”, said Mr Ghorashi. “We will examine new techniques and refine our procedures by the end of 2011”.

“These tests give poultry producers around the country access to cutting-edge biotechnology and useful results in hours rather than days. The new tests will further strengthen Australia’s capacity to reduce the disease burden on poultry flocks, alleviate welfare issues, and increase bird productivity”, said Professor Mingan Choct, the CEO of Poultry CRC.

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