PHA Funding

Poultry Hub Australia Industry Research Funding (Australian Research Organisations only)

Poultry Hub Australia (PHA) will fund a number of research projects, as part of PHA’s Industry Research Funding. The aim of the call is to encourage scientists to engage with industry and work together to develop innovative, applied research projects with the objective to solve problems faced by the Australian poultry industry.

Research projects will not be limited to a specific research area within the Australian Poultry Industry but will be required to meet the following criteria:

  1. The research project must be innovative, applied research with a reasonable probability to deliver direct outcomes to industry;
  2. The duration of the project should be up to 24 months;
  3. The research project must demonstrate direct contact/interaction with a sector of the poultry industry;
  4. The budget must not be predominately used for salaries;
  5. The receiving institution must agree to the terms of the PHA Research Funding Agreement (available for download below).


PHA Research Funding Agreement


PHA Preliminary Research Proposal Template

Poultry Hub Australia 2024 Open Call Research Dates

29 April 2024: Preliminary Research Proposals (PRP) submissions open

9 May 2024: PRP Q&A workshop – Register to attend here

27 May 2024: PRP submissions close

Late June 2024: Successful PRP applicants notified

Late July 2024: Full research proposals (FRP) due

Late August: Successful applicants notified

Early October: All contracts finalised and executed

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