Poultry CRC Final Reports

Poultry CRC Final Reports

Following is a list of CRC Final Reports that are available from both the second round Poultry CRC and the first round Australian Poultry CRC. Just click the link to open the report you want to read.

Poultry CRC (CRC2)

Program 1: Health & Welfare

Project 1.1.10: Refining the use of gG as an immune-enhancing vaccine adjuvant

Project 1.1.11: Increased vaccine production in cell lines

Project 1.1.12: Analysis of the V4 strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) for use in ovo vaccination

Project 1.2.1: Rapid multiplex PCR assay for differentiating Pasteurella multocida serovars

Project 1.2.2: Evaluation of high resolution melt curve analysis for detection of multiple strains in a single specimen

Project 1.2.3: Characterising population structure and diversity of Australian Eimeria 

Project 1.2.4: Riemerella anatipestifer diagnostics

Project 1.2.6: Confirmation of a putative Spotty Liver Disease pathogen

Project 1.2.7: Differentiation of the LPS structure of P. multocida with new technology – the way forward

Project 1.3.1: Control of sex-determination in poultry

Project 1.3.3: Development of IFN-Lambda as an adjuvant and immune enhancer for in ovo use

Project 1.3.4: Bacteriophages to control necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens

Project 1.4.1: Vaccine response boost through immune enhancing microRNA delivery in ovo

Project 1.5.2: New Approaches to assess welfare in free range laying hens

Project 1.5.3: Development and Extension of Industry Best Practice for On-Farm Euthanasia of Spent Layer Hens

Project 1.5.5: Single sex selection for the egg laying industry to improve animal welfare

Project 1.5.6: Optimisation of the welfare of free range layer hens

Project 1.5.7: Avian Influenza Risk Mitigation for the Free-Range sector of the Australian Poultry Industry

Project 1.5.8: An investigation into the epidemiology and pathogenesis of femoral head necrosis in broilers in Australia

Project 1.5.9: Practical implications of A. galli infection in Australian free-range poultry

Project 1.5.10: Determination of best practice range enrichment to improve layer bird welfare

Program 2: Nutrition & Environment

Project 2.1.1: Influence of betaine on embryo survival, hatchability and progeny performance

Project 2.1.2: In ovo therapeutics to improve gut health and efficiency in the broiler chicken

Project 2.1.3: Posthatch Feed Restriction Effects on Broiler Muscle Growth

Project 2.1.4: Validation of qPCR assays targeting broiler performance

Project 2.1.5: Identification of microbial and gut-related factors driving bird performance

Project 2.1.7: Improving the performance of free-range poultry production

Project 2.1.8: Replacing supplemental oil with full fat canola seed in broiler diets

Project 2.1.9: Use of novel protein sources and improved starter feed formulation for broiler chicks

Project 2.1.10: Interactions of canola seed source, pellet temperature and fibre for broilers

Project 2.1.11: Implementation of a net energy system for laying hens

Project 2.1.12: Breeder hen nutrition for improved progeny health and performance

Project 2.1.13: The Effect of Enzymes on Grass Impaction in Free-Range Layers

Project 2.1.15: Zinc and glutamine to enhance intestinal function and performance of broilers

Project 2.1.16: The role of saltbush on free range poultry farms

Project 2.1.17: Inclusion levels and economic benefits of canola meals on egg production of laying hens

Project 2.1.18: Evaluation of Supplemental Strontium on Eggshell Quality and Laying Hen Performance

Project 2.1.19: Monitoring bird health and production using a novel technology platform

Project 2.2.1: Maximising spent litter fertiliser returns through nutrient and carbon management

Project 2.2.2: Litter management strategies to reduce odour emissions from poultry litter

Project 2.2.3: Molecular detection and survival of viral pathogens in litter

Project 2.2.4: Odour Measurement and Impact from Spent Hen Composting

Project 2.2.5: Adding Value by Sustainable Waste Processing

Project 2.2.6: Value addition to feather from poultry processing waste

Project 2.2.8: Pilot study on the nutritional manipulation of odour emission from poultry

Project 2.2.9: Risk-based assessments of stormwater solutions for the poultry industry

Project 2.9.1: Changes in Broiler Breast Muscle with the “Wooden” Breast Myopathy

Project 2.9.3: To investigate the effects of including a reducing agent and an exogenous protease in poultry diets

Poultry Health

Project 03-13 Virulence genes and pathogenicity of P. multocida

Project 03-16 Application of genomic-based technology for the development of new health products – Introduction

Project 03-16 Application of genomic-based technology for the development of new health products – Part a

Project 03-16 Application of genomic-based technology for the development of new health products – Part b

Project 03-16 Application of genomic-based technology for the development of new health products – Part c

Project 03-16 Application of genomic-based technology for the development of new health products – Conclusion

Project 03-17 New diagnostics

Project 03-33 Diagnostics and surveillance of infectious bronchitis

Project 04-15 Oral delivery system for poultry health products

Project 06-09 Phage-displayed peptides are antimicrobial towards Campylobacter jenuni in chickens

Project 07-08 Improving control of colibacillosis using genomic information

Project 09-04 Screening for bacteriophages of selected poultry bacterial pathogens

Project 09-24 Broiler chicken skeletal integrity and incubation

Project 09-26 Isolation and titration of selected avian pathogens in cell culture

Project 09-27 Eimeria species diagnostics based on non-nuclear genetic markers

Project 09-28 Developing novel antigen delivery systems; ILTV as a vaccine vector

Project 03-11 Mycoplasma vaccines

Project 03-15 Eimeria vaccines

Project 05-17 Transfer of diagnostic technologies from research laboratories to a core diagnostic facility for the benefit of the Australian poultry industry

Project 09-06 Investigations into a novel recombinanat vaccine to control infectious laryngotracheitis

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